Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Heat, Pollution, and Shots...oh my!

Well ladies and gentlemen, it's officially hotter than deep fried grease here! I didn't realize how thirsty I get walking everywhere! This is me and Court gulping from a huge jug of water!! I'm sure we should be drinking like 10 of these a day or something!

That photo was taken shortly after fighting the elements to be outside. Although it was a sunny day--no rain, no clouds--there was tons of pollution. In fact, I've heard rumor that the king is gonna intervene or something. The farmers are burning their rice (old school slash and burn methods) and it's choking the air quality! The air is so nasty, peeps are getting sick from it! I got coughing some last night when we were walking back from the store, but I'm fine. But, I heard of somebody not making it into the office this morning b/c they were coughing up blood. Mercy! It's bad! So, it's highly recommended that everyone wear face masks (like doctors). In an attempt to fit in around here, I thought I'd strap on my mask too! Do you think I could sneak in on the set of Grey's Anatomy now or what!?!? Hello, McDreamy, Dr. Shelton is scrubbin' in! For more on Chiang Mai's pollution...please see Court's blog for more photos and details. Click here!

This photo was actually taken on our way to get our Japanese Encephalitus shot. I'm sure I totally didn't spell that right. It was an interesting experience. We walked in, did paperwork, went to about 4 different little stations to have a person look at our paper and tell us go to another station. Whatever! Then, we got to see the doctor. She couldn't have been a day over 24! Either that or she's really 60 and has used Oil of Olay all of her life! Anyways, she was cute and reminded me and Court of Kirsten Dunst. So, we both go in to get our shots at the same time. I'm tellin' you...Sandy and Connie get mad immunization props because they're so good at giving shots, you never feel it! Well, they should come over here and give a lesson or two! I felt like it took 5 years for the nurse to stick me and push the medicine in. And man did it hurt! I have a fairly high threshold for pain, and this hurt bad!

Anyways..we survived! I made it back to the internet cafe to prove it! After the shots, we stopped at a scooter shop to drool over the Vespa scooters! Can't you see me cruisin' in the pink scooter or what? Oh, with the face mask, of course!


Anonymous said...

dr. weeds-wa, sounds like you need to call the highly contagious environmentalist AL GURU GORE to investigate C.M.'s polllution. maybe you could be in his next movie wearing your mask with the t-shirt that says "i survived hurricane katrina". also, re: the medical personnel, did you ask to see their fake credentials? they may have been imposters on location for Grey's. weather is nice here this week and i'm getting beach fever which really starts in january. watch the H2O intake as it relates to water intoxication. gotta run, i've been on the computer too long, can't stand it. loveya-----m0m/Lo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy Lou, You look very fashionable in that mask. Do they come in colors? So glad ya'll went and got your final Jap Enc shot! I am not sure why it hurt so bad, yikes! But now you don't have to worry about getting that nasty disease. I am proud of you for finishing the series, as hard as it was! Ya'll look great! I miss you like crazy! Love you lots, Sandy

melody said...

glad to see that you guys are fitting in so well. It is good to get updates from you, i can't believe you are actually there!!! You are doing it right!

Mattigan said...

Ummm let's see

A. Souldn't DC keep your thurst threashold down or is that an elaborate scheme by dem boys down in GA?

B. Michael Jackson ain't got nuttin' on yall!

C. Needles in my body from another country FAI fogetaboutit

D. Ditto on your dad's comments! cept you would do a great disservice if you didn't call yourselves the Chaing Gang!

PO Gringa

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