Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back 2 School

I'm sure you've been watching the news and seeing/hearing about the current situation here. School is closed for the next couple of days. I'm home safe and sound watching the news reports on TV. I'm fine. Please pray for Thailand!

This past Monday was my first day of school! I'm teaching 7th and 8th grade English in the "Focused English Program". So far, I'm having a blast! I LOVE the kids! They're a hoot! The students at my school are all Thai. They're so creative, clever, and quick! I never know what they're gonna say! We've been working on memorizing and understanding the classroom rules. Today, the kiddos made posters of the rules and presented them to the class by doing a skit to demonstrate their understanding. They had a ball doing it! They're so dramatic!!!! Love it! And they seem to be enjoying themselves, too!

Here are some snaps of one of my classes working on posters illustrating the classroom rules as well as some shots of them doing skits to demonstrate their understanding. We're having a blast!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stickin' with it

After a week of walking 2 kilometers to the main road, waiting on a yellow truck to ride to catch the red truck to get to wherever I am trying to go...I found a car that was within  my very, very, extremely modest budget! It's a nearly 15 year old Toyota Corolla. I'm so grateful! Along with this new blessing comes an opportunity to learn how to drive a stick-shift. My housemate, Pam, and my friend, Lah, helped me with driving instructions. Both were excellent teachers and both gave me their stamp of approval to drive by myself tomorrow. Now, not only is this a new thing to drive a stick, but I'm also still adjusting to driving on the left side of the road with the steering wheel on the right side of the car!!! Mercy! Tomorrow is my first day of new teacher orientation and I had no idea how I was going to get there...I'm praying I'll arrive just fine!

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