Saturday, August 18, 2007

Moments with Moo

Moo Update from Court and Vimeo.


Missy and Brad said...

The Moo Fan Club is most impressed...but we want more!! Send us another video!! We're over the MOOOON for MOO!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mav!!! The people want more of Moo. In fact, the Mid-Atlantic Moo Fan Club has taken a vote and it is unanimous...Moo needs her OWN blog!Therefore I make a motion that Moo establish her own blog immediately! All those now reading this entry who are members of other regional Moo Fan Clubs should cast their votes by publishing a comment in favor of this motion!!! Let's flood the blog. Let your voices be heard!

Anonymous said...

I vote YES!!! Moo needs a blog!

Chuck said...

A blog for Moo?? MOOvelous idea!

Wendy said...

We'll see! I can't let all of this fame go to her little lime-size noggin!

Anonymous said...

I REALLY would like to have my very own blog. My peeps are TOO protective of me. I want some "paw pals", too!

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